Why Do Crystal Glasses Make Sounds?

Crystal glasses can be used to make sounds in at least two different ways. One is by lightly "pinging" the sides of the glasses, and a second way is by rubbing the glasses' rims. Both methods work because of vibrations and frequency.

You can "play" crystal glasses.

You may not think of glassware as a musical instrument, but you can actually make some pretty interesting sounds by "playing" crystal glasses. Some people who really dedicate themselves to this art form are known as "glass harpists." You can create basic musical tones on crystal glasses by producing vibrations between your finger and the rims of the glasses--much like a bow produces vibrations when it rubs across violin string

According  to  Anson  (2007),  the  sound  of a  singing

wine  glass  is  created  by  friction  between  your  finger  and  the  glass  as  you  rub  it  along  the rim.  The  sides  of  the glasses  vibrate,  and  these  vibrations  create  little  waves  in  the  water as the water molecules get dragged along with the vibratory waves. Adding more water to the glass  means  that  there  is  more  water  to  slow  down  the vibration  of  the  glass,  which  results in  a  lower  note.  So,  by  having  many  glasses  with varying amounts of water in them, it is possible to have a wide array of notes that the player can choose from to create music.  It is, however,  very  difficult  to  tune  the  glasses  to  the  proper  note,

especially  given  the  problem of  evaporation.  It  is  also  dangerous  to  play  anything  with  a  quick  tempo,  since  the  full glasses  are  top-heavy  and  prone  to  tipping  (and  shattering  upon  impact,  as  I discovered  for

myself).  So  for  years,  the  wonderful  sound  of  this  instrument  was  confined  to  street-performances and the living rooms of amateur musicians.  

This  was,  of  course,  until  Benjamin  Franklin  heard  a  concert  played

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20 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaykum...
    Hello Mulinda...
    I'm Rahmawati Yusri..
    My be, it's about "Resonansi", Right ???

    1. yes this is the aplication abaout resonansi

  2. Assalamu'alaikum,
    overall this blog is good.
    I like the layout,because it's simple.
    but,I think you could change article background,cause blue is not
    match with the font color (pink) and maybe with the Qur'an quotation,
    don't make it scroll down,but you could make it long horizontal-formatted
    Just suggestion yaaa...
    Keep Posting ! :)

    1. okeh thnks alot ahmad fuad, insyallah for the next posting will be more interesting, don''t miss it okeh

  3. Assalamu'alaikum,
    Setuju sama komentar diatas saya.
    Mungkin backgroundnya jangan biru.

    Untuk isi postingannya...

    Should I use english?

    Well, when I read it, I am reminded of an advertisement on television.

    Overall, nice post:D

    1. yes this the advertisement on tv is one of aplication in physic fenomenon it's call resonansi

  4. "You can create basic musical tones on crystal glasses by producing vibrations between your finger and the rims of the glasses--much like a bow produces vibrations when it rubs across violin string"

    for my self, it's hard to practise. :)

    1. of course it's so dificult, it's need the ability on art music, but if we alwyas try it mo and more we can do it easily


  5. thanks for the information
    wait for the next post .:)

  6. amazing:)
    why the evaporation?
    what is the effect of evaporation on this?

  7. is there side effects in glasses plays,??

  8. wow... WE O WE...
    it's cool..
    does this work?
    What should the special glasses?
    because I tried it failed... :'(

    1. yeah not for all glass just for the cystal glass, like in the picture.....

    2. ohh.....
      i'm not have crystal glass.... :(
      Can I borrow it?
      but I did'n back to you..... :P

  9. amazing....
    what does crystal glasses making sounds in pkysics????

  10. it's nice post sist..very interesting..
    and..may be i try to do it..:D
    good job..wait for the next interesting post..:D

    1. oke thnks :) don;t miss it other post every week

  11. Interesting..
    I'm not sure about that before, ehee

  12. It's New Creative thinking glassware into a musical instrument, I'll try it. thanks ...
